Thursday, August 31, 2017

Nightly Maud #191

Horse stance?

There is a very specific reason that I have Maud here in a fighting position for the header.
Back when G4 was still a TV channel and my family had satellite, it was on 191 and I'd always tune in to the OG Ninja Warrior.
My favorite competitor was Shingo Yamamoto, the gas station manager. He was always so good.
It was always fun to see all the colorful personalities that would participate too.

(Unpopular opinion: Then America kinda tarnished the name of Ninja Warrior. Sorry, but I've never been a big fan of the tournament when it made its way overseas.) 

Hey everyone!
You like Ninja Warrior? Or ever see it?

Daily Maud #191

Breath taking...

They can see for miles
And miles
And miles
And miles

Boulder has always wanted to be up here with Maud.
To see the pretty view.

You ever been to a famous land mark?

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Nightly Maud #190
Wonder how these two could have met.

Moonlight: "Your dress, like totally speaks to me."
Maud: "What's with everypony thinking my dress talks?"

Moonlight: "Whoa, you're deep."
Maud:"Thank you, I do poetry."
Moonlight:"Dude, poetry, like, totally speaks to my soul."

Aaaaaaaaaaand friendship!

Something like that, right? :)

Daily Maud #190

Morning everyone.
Golden slumbers fill your eyes~
Smiles awake you when you rise~

Some days you need that extra little push to get up and going for the day.
Things might look peaceful in the moment, but you gotta rise and shine and aspire for something great.

You guys off to a good start today?

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Nightly Maud #189

Yeah, Boulder.
You like that?!

Ready for football season?

Daily Maud #189

Really wish I had been into ponies in high school.
While I might have caught a lot of flack for that, I don't feel like I would have cared all that much.
Took the majority of that bullying in grade school.

Oops, sorry.
Didn't mean to hurt the mood of the Maud.
This would have been a great high school yearbook quote though.

Hey folks.
What was your high school quote? (If any)

Monday, August 28, 2017

Nightly Maud #188
Ahh, how pleasant~

These two have such a wonderful dynamic. 
It's nice to have someone who gets you like you get them.

Evenin' everyone.
How are you?

Maud Monday #32 / Maud Poetry #5
Let's do some more poetry today! I think I'll just type one big one. Sound good?

Well, you don't get a say, so let's get into it anyhow. c':

(Jk I love you 💖)

Daily Maud #188

The late night munchies are a curse aren't they?
They come when you need the sleep and when you're least expecting it.

Oh well, don't want Boulder to go hungry :)

Morning everyone.
Feeling rested?

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Nightly Maud #187
Trixie noms on tha ear. So cyoot.

Maud and Trixie deserve more interaction. They seem like they'd have some interesting chemistry. Remember that short animatic from a while ago with Trixie on the rock farm with Maud?

Yeah. I need say no more.

How is everyone tonight? Ready for the week? :3

Daily Maud #187

Maud and Pinkie are the best sisters evar. Those are some nice hills behind them too, with roses or tulips or whatever. I'd like to be there.

How are you all this Sunday? Ready for the week?

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Nightly Maud #186

Maud is a cutsie. I adore her expression in this.

I also love how the background is done. Very aesthetically pleasing. Like a soda cup.

How is everyone tonight?

Daily Maud #186

Maud is a pretty pony and rocks are awesome. 'Nuff said.

How are you all this Saturday? I'm sure school is closing in on most of us under the age of 23 who haven't started already. Best of luck to you all!

Friday, August 25, 2017

Nightly Maud #185

The Maud-y is important, but her voice is as well.
I wonder what they thought of Ingrid's first audition as Maud.

Hey everyone.
How are you?

Daily Maud #185
Silly Starlight and her silly kites. It's actually been a while since I've flown one.
Maybe she could set us up to fly with her and Maud.
What a wonderful thought.

Hi everyone.
What up?

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Nightly Maud #184

You ever just ponder about something for a long, long time?
Playing out conversations or how things could have worked different.

Own up to the mistakes.
Be a better person.
Be like Maud :3

(Late) Nightly Maud #183

Well isn't Maud just a barrel of laughs.

(Laughter doesn't actually come from barrels. It comes from your body's reaction to delight. Fun fact.)

Sorry on this one being tardy.
How are you fine folks?

Daily Maud #184
Maud got taller.
Now she can reach the top shelf (or high up rocks) no problem.

I'm 5'10''.
How tall are you?

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Daily Maud #183

Love the subtle colors in this one. 
Cutest Miner goes to Maud!

Hey folks!
Ever been spelunking?

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Nightly Maud #182

Maud is here and she brought pie!

What's your favorite kind of pie?

Daily Maud #182
*plays To Zanarkand*

Poor Boulder. Gotta admire his courage though. That took a lot of willpower to go through with.

Maybe next time bud.

Heya folks!
How's your morning?

Monday, August 21, 2017

Nightly Maud #181

To the left
Now up
That's it!
There's Maud, right there!

Sorry, there is a severe lack of Maud and my second favorite pony, Luna.
Hey everyone!
Jumping on the eclipse bandwagon.
Hope you were able to check it out!

How was everyone's day?

Maud Monday #31 / Maud Poetry #4
What a beautiful landscape.

Sorry for missing last week's Maud Monday, but I suppose it's okay because I hATE THE NUMBER FOURTEE—

So for today's Maud Monday, let's do some poetry. I'll make it up to you all with three poems, yeah?

Daily Maud #181

I'm panicking.
School starts today.

Quick, tell a funny school story!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Nightly Maud #180

The description of this image says:
Stars: Boulder
Background ponies: Maud Pie, Pinkie Pie.

Boulder is the true star, yo.

Other than the grand, most adorable and mighty rock, though, if I haven't said it enough, Pinkie and Maud are just two of the most amazing and tightly knit sisters ever. No matter their distance, they're always there for each other with sisterly love and care. Now that's a case of true siblings.

How are you all tonight? I know some of you have been going back to school this month (which is utterly ridiculous—August isn't a month for school, you silly... schools!). Good luck with all your studies and such, and get some good sleep tonight! Trust me, you'll need it—though I'm sure you already know that. Hehe.

For everyone else, how's your summer vacation going so far? Having fun? Do anything fun? Fun fun fun? Fun! fUN

Daily Maud #180
Maud is a boredom

Wat you do wiff da bored Maud

Maud must be entertain

How you are today

A Sunday

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Nightly Maud #179

Issa Maud and a Trix-trix and a cutes and a nuzzling and a purrrr.

Maud and Trixie are cyoot. Enough said. We need more Maud interacting with Trixie or Trixie acknowledging Maud's existence.

How is everyone tonight? Rocking on?

Daily Maud #179

Maud's special talent is rocks. She can tell rocks apart, define rocks, care for rocks, explain rocks, philosophize about rocks... she rocks.


(To be honest, this summer has been making me lose track of which day it is at times. xD)

Friday, August 18, 2017

Nightly Maud #178

I walk a lonely road~

Hey everyone!

Sometimes it's best to have some alone time. Some moments to ponder things for yourself and be at peace singularly.
Shouldn't spend too much time alone though. That would drive you mad. Sometimes you gotta get out and hang with the people who matter to you.

Balance it. Harmonize.

Sup people?

Daily Maud #178

Aww, they look so happy!
What a nice evening they could spend together in they're wonderful dresses :)

Heya folks!
Who wants to dance?

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Nightly Maud #177

Let love begin~

A lot of folks might not be able to recognize the internal struggles others feel sometimes. They might not give the clearest indicators of something that is bothering them or if they're super happy.
Maud is one of those ponies that really feels anything presented to her, but as she has a reserved personality so it makes it hard to show...much.
If any of you come across someone/pony like Maud, treat them like you'd treat anyone else; with kindness and compassion :)

Hey everyone!
77 is my favorite number.
What's yours? 

Daily Maud #177
You know Maud, I'm surprised you didn't think of it first.
Maybe you could ask to be a developer on this project, or heck, buy out the franchise.
Besides, we only want the most accurate, most exciting Rock Simulator you could put on the market.

Rock Simulator, Game of the Century?

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Nightly Maud #176

I'll be going back to school on Monday aaaaaaand I got an audition tomorrow for one of the classes I'll be taking.
Help me not to be nervous Maud :)

Hey everyone!
How was your day?

Daily Maud #176

Maud's new socks.

Heya everyone! What's up?

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Nightly Maud #175
Pinkie Pie, what are you doing?

PP:"Oh you, know...clownin' around hehe!"

Heya folks!
Smile more, will ya?

Daily Maud #175

This blinking Maud represents the avant garde side of the how the universe is.
Everything you ever thought was true is in fact, a lie.
And you should now proceed to panic hysterically.

What is the word, my herd?

Monday, August 14, 2017

Nightly Maud #174

Giant plush Maud is awaiting your hugs and cuddles.
Well...what are you waiting for? :)

Daily Maud #174

Ever the introvert
She ponders the world
the Earth, the soil, the minerals
Depth, mystery

What's up everyone?
Thought we'd start the day off with some poetry ^^

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Nightly Maud #173
Sorry, been on a real Beatles kick as of late.
It's just sooooo awesome.

Now, in accordance to how the actual Abbey Road is, I'd put these ponies in different places based on personality.
Pinkie is the only one in the right place (Ringo). She's a drummer in the EqG universe and just so bizarre.
Limestone I'd put in John's spot due to her interesting character and narrow view on how to run her passions.
Marble in George's spot...because...quiet.
And last but not least, Maud in Paul's place. She's definitely in it for the pure discovery of how to make wonderful music (in the field of study).

Beatles, am I right?

Saturday, August 12, 2017

(Late) Daily Maud #173

You guys ready?
*smashes *

Yeah, that's right!
*high fives you*

Maud:"I did 99 percent of that work."

*fist bumps Maud*

Let's tackle this week hard everyone!
Got any plans?

Friday, August 11, 2017

Nightly Maud #172

(Wants to make Captain Planet reference)

Uhh...this piece has a lot of...HEART!

Maud is appreciating this wonderful gift and the many others given to her over the years.
How lovely :)

How's the evenin' for y'all?

Daily Maud #172
How extravagant!
This kind of piece just makes you feel good.
The family all together, smiling warmly.

They know things are good.

Y'all ready for today?

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Nightly Maud #171

This would be pretty neat just to hang somewhere in your house.
Especially if you had an eye for casual decoration on your wall.

Shadowbox art is pretty cool as well. The depth characteristic is neat to observe.

What do you think of decorating your crib?

Daily Maud #171
Time for another day of exploration for Maud Pie!
She's got some supplies, some nice music to listen to and a map.
Wonder what she'll discover today?

Mornin' everyone.
How are things?

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Nightly Maud #170


I'm ready for the MLP/Iron Giant Crossover...what, they can't do that?
Well, why not?

Look at this piece. The comedy writes itself!

But in all seriousness, this movie is soooooo good. Like really good. Just so wholesome and wonderful. Check it out if you get the chance. You won't regret it?

Where's the Giant Mansley?

Daily Maud #170

Morning! Today's forecast calls for blue skies~

Hi everyone! When's the last time you went outside on a nice day off and enjoyed some lovely weather? It'd make you happy. You know it would ;)

Pizza in the afternoon?
You kiddin'?
That made this pretty day here even more wonderful!

Yo, yo, yo.
What's good?

Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Nightly Maud #169

(This miiiiiiight rival Rarity's crazy solo)

When making these, (or working on a paper...or just working around the house in general) I like to listen to music. There's probably some science mumbo jumbo that could be said about the brain's reaction to how music effects your work...but I don't want to bore you.

(Enigma is currently listening to Frankenstein by Edgar Winter Group)

Hey everyone.
Played any good instruments lately?

Daily Maud #169

Way to go Maud. You're concerned for you friend and that's how it should be :)
Hope Boulder was alright from that rude pony not watching where she was going.
Hopefully his luck will turn soon.

Hi there.
How are you?

Monday, August 07, 2017

Nightly Maud #168

A little birdie told me that yesterday was Twilight Day!
Woo Purple Smart!

These two haven't interacted as much in the show.
Hmmm...that's actually a bit of an interesting thought.
The notion of how characters that we don't see as much together would get along in theory.
Kinda like in the season 6 finale.
Just a big jumble of weird characters uniting to fight evil.

Sup my dudes?
Any weird character combination you'd like to see?