Saturday, September 30, 2017

Nightly Maud #221
This is really cool! Looks like Maud wanted to become what she always loved. :P

How is everyone tonight?

Daily Maud #221
Sorry for the late post everyone... I was super tired last night ^^;

How is everyone today?

Friday, September 29, 2017

Nightly Maud #220
Aahhh, Rainbow Road...what a mess.

Maud-io Kart...
This piece is cool.

Do you like Mario Kart?

Daily Maud #220
Girls just wanna have fun~

Morning everyone! How is it going?
Got anything fun planned for Friday?

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Nightly Maud #219
This is probably another reference that eludes me.
But their dresses look very nice.
Notice the detail of how their eyes match their respective dresses' belt and leggings.
So cool^^

They look nice, eh?

Daily Maud #219
All Aboard hahaha~

Hey everyone. Teen Maud and Pinkie seem to be worshiping their idol, the Ozzman.
They're in that phase of their lives...

Morning. How are you?

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Nightly Maud #218
(Couldn't find Maud Bowling...meep.)

Oh hello.
This a pretty cool piece.
Fading works well with something like this.

You ever go bowling?

Daily Maud #218

Maud's no pushover...
I'm sorry, that was bad.

What's on the agenda today everyone?

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Nightly Maud #217
We got some sweet shading. We got a great outfit. And we got a Maud reading poetry.

We truly have it all.

Sup people?

Daily Maud #217

Artisan stuff is groovy.

Morning folks!
How are you?

Monday, September 25, 2017

Nightly Maud #216
Heya folks!
Maud, so flat.
So unimpressed. 

(You ever think about how silly it is to make two posts about a pony a day?)

How are you?

Daily Maud #216

Tonight on Scare Tactics!

Maud spooks!

Y'all ready for October?
It's right around the corner......standing there....menacingly....

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Nightly Maud #215




Daily Maud #215
Maud and Luna? Sounds good.

How are you all today?

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Nightly Maud #214
Pinkie is an angery

quick go to comments before angery pinkie gets too angery

Daily Maud #214
Books? Rocks? Rock books?

How is everyone today?

Friday, September 22, 2017

Nightly Maud #213
Yes...let us revel in the excitement of...FRIDAY!

Maud and Pinkie got plans :)
Do you have plans?

Daily Maud #213

Boulder has quite the appetite...for destruction~
Seriously, he ate the whole thing in one bite.

Evening everyone. What's on the menu?

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Nightly Maud #212
Looks like Maud is going EXTREME!!

Wonder if her experience ice skating will assist her...

Hey folks!
Ever been roller skating/blading?

Daily Maud #212
Nice portrait. 
Her eyes are so pretty and their glistening makes them pop doesn't it?

What's up?

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Nightly Maud #211

Looks like AJ is betting everything but the kitchen sink.
Maud's poker face is unstoppable...

Evening everyone!
How are you?

Daily Maud #211
Captain Jack
Johnny Depp~

Hats can be a barrel of laughs and Maud knows comedy.
(Also, apparently it was talk like a pirate day yesterday...)

Do you guys wear hats?

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Nightly Maud #210


What one word would you use to describe Maud?

Daily Maud #210

Assault Mode Activate!

This is one of the many moments in the Season 5 finale that shone through...pretty cool if you ask me.

Did you like the S5 finale?

Monday, September 18, 2017

Nightly Maud #209
He said my wounded side
Lawd, Lawd
My wounded side~

Looks like Maud's been digging.
She might need a pick me up ;)

How are you?

Maud Monday #35

Today, I pose a hypothetical.
Maud was introduced in Season 4 as a character like we've never seen.
Being very stoic, lax and well really contrasting from any of the Mane 6, she stood out like a sore hoof.
The question today is...what if it were the opposite?
What if for 4 Seasons we had Maud instead of Pinkie?
And we got an episode called "Pinkie Pie", where Maud introduces her wild and crazy younger sister?

Sorry bout the short post.
Please give us your thoughts below :)

Daily Maud #209
Cute socks!
Comfy socks!
Workout socks!

Do you like ponies in socks?

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Nightly Maud #208

How are you all tonight?

Daily Maud #208
Maud is completely overjoyed about this Sunday.

So the concert I went to Friday night was so much fun! I got to jump a bit and even moshed at the end. Fun stuff, the opening bands were also killer~
If you're curious, I saw Chase Atlantic, Palaye Royale, and The White Noise. Then the headliner was Sleeping With Sirens, who are just awesome.

How is everyone today?

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Nightly Maud #207
There are some really cool instances that can spark your imagination in the show. Fillyhood of these characters could definitely be something great to explore. 
Heya folks, anything you want the show to explore?

Daily Maud #207

Maud is happy that her tail is up to a satisfactory length.

How are you today?

Friday, September 15, 2017

Nightly Maud #206

Life's a garden, dig it.
Dig a Pony.
Sometimes it's roses, sometimes it's weeds.

Hey folks, what's your suit?
Maud's got spades.

Daily Maud #206

If Maud was the star of a video game, would you play it?

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Nightly Maud #205
Pie Sisters minus Pinkie.
Hmmm...sometimes you gotta wonder, how does Iggy feel about all the female, it's his family, he's gotta love em. :)

Heya folks.
Any good news?

Daily Maud #205

Alright guys...Maud Pie...but with freckles...
Yeah, I know, it not?

How are you today?

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Nightly Maud #204

One day.
One day I will spend $340 for a big ol' Maud plush.
But for now I'll settle on my $35, perfectly huggable plush.

Do you hug your plushes?

Daily Maud #204

Aww, how cute :3

I feel like I ask you guys all the time what you think of Maud...well, what do you think of Boulder?

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Nightly Maud #203

Friends Forever issue 29 was a really good one.That might be biased because Maud was in it, but honestly, it's cool to see how she interacted with Rarity. Plus we got a neat little adventure giving a bit of insight into Maud's character.

Heya peeps.
How are you?

Daily Maud #203

A cool Maud wallpaper!
Cosmic :)

What's y'all's wallpaper?
It better be fabulous!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Nightly Maud #202

Evening everyone.
Dude, check out Maud and Boulder living it up.
Aw yeah!

How's everyone doin' this Monday?

Maud Monday #34
Enigma is a big music fan.
Maud probably is too.
There are many rock songs and there are many songs with 'rock' in the title.
And music could be considered poetry after all :)

Top Songs?
Top Albums?
Top Artist?
What are some of y'all tastes?
I'm curious.
Post one, post all!

Daily Maud #202
Morning everyone.
Today I'd like to take this opportunity to say to please keep those in mind who were and have been affected by the 9/11 tragedy 16 years ago today.
Take a moment and tell your family members and those close to you that you love them.

Love you and hope you have a wonderful day,

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Nightly Maud #201

Maud rocks.

Sunday. September. I'm back in school. Goddamn, first week and I'm already feeling pressured. Wish me the best of luck guys!

How are you all this fine whatever?

Daily Maud #201
Oh my.

How is everyone today?

Saturday, September 09, 2017

Nightly Maud #200

Here's a classic image to celebrate the 200th Nightly Maud post! I hope you all are enjoying today!

How is everyone tonight? Ready for what's to come for the future of Maud Pie Daily?

Daily Maud #200

Maud is such a majestic being. I love how she's portrayed in these sketches.

Hey guys, we've reached the 200th Daily Maud, and tonight we'll be reaching the 200th Nightly! How are you guys gonna celebrate this milestone today?

Otherwise, how is everyone this coincidental Saturday?

Friday, September 08, 2017

Nightly Maud #199

Sometimes I wonder what else Maud and Apple Bloom might have in common.
But just because they're different doesn't mean they can't get along and be friends.

Evenin' everyone.
Who else do you think Maud could get along with?

Daily Maud #199

Fabulous darling~

So it's Rarity Day friends and we'd like to celebrate the Great Fashion Horse!
It was a fun to see her interactions with Maud in her first episode, Maud Pie; some great development between the two in The Gift of the Maud Pie and a hilarious adventure for discovery in MLP: Friends Forever, issue 29.

Morning everyone!
What's your opinion on Rarity?

Thursday, September 07, 2017

Nightly Maud #198

I will fight the good fight!

Hey everyone!
Maud and I love you :3

Daily Maud #198
Maud is cute.
I am late.
Yell at me.

Morning everyone!
How are you?