Thursday, November 30, 2017

Nightly Maud #280

All the fuzzy Pies.
Nothing like a family photo^^

Evenin' folks.
Do you like getting your picture taken?

Daily Maud #280

Dang Boulder!
Save a little for the ladies!

Hey folks.
What's on the menu today?

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Nightly Maud #279
The Pies are so lovely.
Really love this style. Their ears are really cool looking.

Evening folks.
What's goin on?

Daily Maud #279

*loads up game*
*sees Maud*

Morning everyone!
Play any cool games lately?

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Nightly Maud #278

Evening everybody!

Aww, look at the little Maud figure.
It's shaped so nicely.

What's up folks?

Daily Maud #278

Enigma is back!
And here is Maud's back!


Morning folks.
How you doin?

Monday, November 27, 2017

Nightly Maud #277
Such a beautiful scene. I would love to be there.

Maud looks so peaceful, and so does that landscape. I love it. 🖤

How are you guys tonight?

Daily Maud #277
Hey guys. Covering for Enigma's posts today (dunno if I'll get the Maud Monday though). 

Have this neat picture of Maud. I love the aesthetic here, it's so pretty~

How are you all this Monday?

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Nightly Maud #276
I have no idea what this is referencing, probably an anime, but Maud looks badass yet again.

How are you all tonight? 

Daily Maud #276
Hey look!

It's Maud oooooon a rock!

Maud on a rock!




On a rock!

It's a rock!


I don't know!


How are you today!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Nightly Maud #275
It may not be Halloween anymore, but Maud's still rocking a super cute dragon costume.


It works because she eats rocks~

How are we all tonight?

Daily Maud #275
This little camp thing that Maud has in the mountains looks so nice. I would love to camp out there, especially with her.

She seems to be thinking about Ponka—I mean, Pinkie. Sweet sisters~

How are you all this Saturday?

Friday, November 24, 2017

Nightly Maud #274

Everybody in the whole cell block~

Maud's got the moves.

Evening folks.
Do you enjoy the Queen King of Rock and Roll?

Daily Maud #274

Morning everyone.
Hopefully you didn't partake in the Black Friday madness, but if you did you were safe about it and got some good deals.

(Just as a PSA, be nice to retail people...unless they aren't nice to you...)

You guys ready for all the Holiday stuffs?

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Nightly Maud #273

Oh no!
Maud found your dessert.

Evening folks.
Did you have a lovely Thanksgiving?

Daily Maud #273

Heya folks.
I hope you guys have an awesome Thanksgiving.
Hug your family, your friends.
Just feel good, cause there's a lot to be happy about.

You guys got any cool Thanksgiving Day stories?

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Nightly Maud #272
You know, beyond Hearthbreakers, we don't see too much of these two together.
I'd be interested to see these two interact more now that Maud is closer to Ponyville.

Evening folks.
Whatcha up to?

Daily Maud #272
Chicken or Turkey?

Well folks, Thanksgiving is coming up.
Hopefully you all get to spend some time with your family and at anything really appreciate your loved ones.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Nightly Maud #271
While you gotta admire their ambition, Cloudy is going to be very angry if they get caught.
That is...IF they get caught.

Evenin' folks.
What's you favorite kind of cookie?

Daily Maud #271

My dream...right here^
Seriously, what would you do if you saw this?

Monday, November 20, 2017

Nightly Maud #270

Maud would be a great substitute for a jackhammer.

Evening folks.
Would Maud win a strength contest?

Daily Maud #270

Morning everyone.
Maudie :3
Again, the off coloration is so fun here.

What's on the agenda today?

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Nightly Maud #269
Can I just say that the Sombrapocalypse-universe Pies are so freaking badass? 🖤

I honestly love their aesthetic. It pleases me.

How are you all tonight? You all in the U.S. getting Thanksgiving break?

Daily Maud #269
Such a beautiful landscape.

I love it when people put Maud in these rocky beauts. It just warms my heart~

I love the parasol... umbrella... whatever she has as well. It's so cute ^-^

How are you all today?

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Nightly Maud #268
He's learning.

The Iron Giant is just so cute and sweet, aaaaa

We must protect him at all costs, he is an adorable cinnamon roll

How are you all tonight? Did I make you want a cinnamon roll? I want one too now... xD

Daily Maud #AAAAAAAAAA (268)






So how are you guys today?

Friday, November 17, 2017

Nightly Maud #267

"Magmanificent." -Maud Pie, 2017

Heya Pokemon fans and Maud enthusiasts.
Today Ultra Sun and Moon were released.
Exciting stuff^^

I wonder what Maud's team would be if she were a trainer...

Daily Maud #267

Like that the colors are off in this piece.
Gives a little bit of a different dynamic.

Morning everybody.
How's the weather been?

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Nightly Maud #266
Maud is a pretty cool pony with a pretty cool pony tail^^

I like that look, gives her so attitude.

Evening folks.
What up?

Daily Maud #266

Sometimes I wonder how Maud's design was conceived.
"Yes, a gray pony, with a short purple mane, green eyes and a blue frock. Sounds good."

What do you guys think of Maud's look?

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Nightly Maud #265

Who knew Boulder was such a fabulous artist?

Sup guys?
You ever paint anything cool?

Daily Maud #265

Hmm...well, that's certainly and interesting way to go about it.
Maud, so centered, so balanced.

Don't worry Starlight, you'll get there.

Morning folks.
What's on the agenda today?

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Nightly Maud #264

Got the two fabulous sisters here!
Love their outfits!

Evening folks.
What'd you do today?

Daily Maud #264

That's a cool banner there^^
Her name is Maud Pie and she represents the element

Morning everyone.
What's up?

Monday, November 13, 2017

Nightly Maud #263

Three mares in the big city.

Heya folks!
What's a cool place you've been to?

Maud Monday #40 / Maud Poetry #6

And now for something completely different!



You weigh me down
I keep you round
Separate we are lost
Together we are found

Weather, friends, discoveries
Challenges, hoofsteps, tradgedies
Rhythm, time, memories 
Love, growth, comedy

You were here before
You'll be here when I'm long gone
But you and I will never forget
The wonderful journey we went on

Sorry, I kinda suck at this.
Hope you enjoyed though :)

Daily Maud #263

Well Maud, it's seems you've met a match.
Toph was so cool.

Mornin' everyone.
How are you?

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Nightly Maud #262 (Warning: somewhat NSFW)

Maud looks so cool.

Those all must be Boulder's friends. Or children. 

Hey, I won't judge Boulder for how he want to live his life. Boulder do what Boulder do. 😛

How are you all tonight? Ready for theeeeee week or whatever?

yeah same lol

Daily Maud #262
Maud is best big sister.

I wonder why Pinkie's crying. I hope Maud can help her!

How is the day of the yous and all thats Sundays are death lol

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Nightly Maud #261
This is such a great edit, I love it.

Why are you making all your Maud posts at half past 12 in the morning?
Because I've lost all control of my life.

How is everyone tonight?

Daily Maud #261

Boulder is so cuuute. *squeak*

How are we all today?

Friday, November 10, 2017

Nightly Maud #260

Good evening everyone!

Oh my goodness.
Look how gorgeous Maud looks.
She should wear green more often.
It is most definitely her color.

How are you guys? :)

Daily Maud #260

Today's header comes from a recent EqG short. Don't worry too much about spoilers, it was just a couple minute long feature.

School of Rock!
This special provides a lovely bit with Maud telling a bit about rocks at her museum job.
It also establishes that she has a fan club...The Maud Squad.

Brilliant :)

Congratulations MPD frequenters, you are now all official Maud Squad members.
What will you do now?

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Nightly Maud #259

Sweet sketch yo.

Love watching streams of artists do pieces like this.
It really displays amazing talent.

Evening folks.
What's good?

Daily Maud #259
The Dr. is in to answer all your rock based queries.

Morning folks.
Read anything cool lately?

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Nightly Maud #258

This Maud looks so soft.
*cuddles Maud plush*

Evening everyone!
How's your Wednesday been?

Daily Maud #258
Starlight, your eyes are lookin' out so far away.
Constellation in the sky is smiling down on me, I wonder, wonder why~

I know Starlight is the subject of a lot of fandom controversy sometimes, but at this point in the series, she's been able to meld with the dynamic of the MLP Universe a bit.
My question to you today...
What do you think of Starlight Glimmer?

(What do you think of her friendship with Maud too?)

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Nightly Maud #257


I don't even know what to make of this...
There are so many questions.

Evening everyone...
She's toast.

How are you?

Daily Maud #257

Maud is finally ready to enjoy just a little fall weather.

Morning folks.
What's your favorite season?

Monday, November 06, 2017

Nightly Maud #256
The family's all together!~

Well, at least the sisters. Y'all are still so sweet, y'know? 🖤

Thanks for sticking around this long, guys. Means a lot. Happy 256, one of my favorite numbers~

How are we all tonight?

Daily Maud #256
Hey all! Looks like we've reached 256 Daily Mauds, or 256 days of Maud!~

Stealing today's posts from Enigma because I'm just obsessed with numbers and the number 256 just satisfies me sooo so much.

So, happy 256 everyone! Here's to 256, 744, or even 768 more!~

How are you all today? Doing good?