Monday, December 11, 2017

Maud Monday #41
Stop what you're doing right now. I need your attention.

You with me? Good. I need to tell you all about something: Net Neutrality. On the 14th, this thing gets put under danger as Congress decides whether to let the FCC repeal the net neutrality bill or not. This is really important to not only how we browse the Internet but also how the Internet affects the world. I'm siding with Battle For The Net, who's aiming to "break the internet" tomorrow.

I won't put any jump breaks on this post because this is absolutely an issue we need to be in the know about, even if you don't live in America.

First of all, let's define what net neutrality is. Net neutrality allows ISPs (Internet Service Providers) to leave the web open to everyone, meaning ISPs don't control what we see on the internet nor can they make us have to pay to see everything. This page best explains how net neutrality works and the consequences that would arise should it be taken away better than I can.

Basically, Ajit Pai is threatening net neutrality and thus threatening our ability to surf the web freely without being screwed over by corporate agendas. The more help, the better.

Tomorrow, the banner of this website will be changed to protest against Pai and the FCC's proposition and I may even degrade the layout of the site. This will only be for a day, but the message will still hopefully come across; net neutrality is necessary, not just for our memes and entertainment, but for business, school, work, and the world as a whole. We wouldn't be where we are today without the freedom of the Internet up to this point.

If you can, call your local representatives as well before Thursday this week to help try and influence Congress to not let the FCC's repeal pass, or sign a petition. If you can't, then at least continue to spread the word. Every little bit counts. 

Sorry for the serious, dense post today, but I know this is a problem that will affect most if not all of us significantly. We need to defend the Internet from being totally restricted and controlled by ISPs. Don't let this go idly by, please.

I'll see you later. Stay safe and remember to take a stand for what you care about.

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